Friday, April 2, 2010

Getting Back on the Wagon

Okay, folks, I doubt anyone is still reading this blog because I have been so delinquent in posting, but a few things have happened in the last few days that I wanted to post I just decided to post. Today was the first day Jackson was able to open his door, which since he's in a toddler bed now, means that he greeted us bedside at 5 am. GREAT.

We also had a couple other milestones this week...yesterday was his first time to actually get the foot action down to move forward in his cozy coupe red fire truck, and the day before yesterday he swallowed his first piece of gum. Long story.

Pictures to follow...


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

5 a.m. What a talented boy you have. It is great to have you posting again. I'm looking forward to the pictures.

Susan Smith

The Pollards said...

You're back! Yea! Let's do lunch soon?